Accountability is the check and balance method after and during an administrative, social or regulatory process takes place . how much corruption can a person living in the lowest end of the power chain,production stream or economic downstream perform? would their collective corruption out scale corruption from the other end? .as corruption out runs accountability, authorities turn opaque enough to be questioned or tested by the frivolous minds and bodies whose labor ,desire and conscience is systematically extorted to keep corruption oblivious.
Dark walls of this necromancy of unspeakable agony remains unbreakable both to the very masons who made it and to the very people they enclave. the walls reflect nothing except the ugliness they permit, the brightest most ideas shimmer in negligence from the walls marooned by corruption, greed, speculation and indignity.
not unlike phenixiology ,opportunities are born from the ashes of dilapidation.From the murky outlawed world of anarchy would rise influential inflexion points, points from where disparity changes geometry, truth redefines, predictable planes and curves abruptly lose their characteristics by falling into new regions of uncertainty.
the sense that, naturally the demography under acute social ,political, economic uncertainty & complexity- would instinctively generate the ability and adaptation for higher survival & goal achieving actions is at least conducive- or not?.