HEAD OFFICE of Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) at Plot F-4C, Agargaon, Sher-E-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka


The development of a nation is said to be proportional to its energy consumption. Due to

limited natural resources Bangladesh Energy Regulatory Commission (BERC) plays a vital role in the energy sector in terms of crucial institutional support & cities are becoming more & more complicated over time, built forms are sprawling to accommodate cumulative growth & demand. To find an appropriate architectural expression both programmatically & contextually is the crux of the project. Though the surrounding area is currently in a rather dilapidated condition due to inappropriate use of both land & water features, strategic intervention of the site can counter this condition & revitalize the current environment & spatiality. The building thus can be an active mediator, a visual aperture towards a positive urbanity.

Thus,the building becomes a sympathetic interface  to the urbanity by enhancing synergy.