cyclone shelter,bangladesh

status: competition entry,2009

client: fael khaer program,Islamic Development Bank


This is a very functional approach where the structure is perforated in a longer direction which is expected not to face the possible wind thrust while the facade facing the main thrust of the wind is made rather solid.

The level of the floor is adjustable at+5’/+10’/+15’/+20’ (by means of ramp landing level

As per design which would be assessed upon local Information of water surge.

Here Islamic features are used  not only as an aesthetic element but also as an important feature of wind damping. Because of these screen like elements the internal spaces are protected and provided with a slower wind so that ample ventilation can be provided by means of wooden operable louver windows in the inside.

During heavy wind these dampers also protect the livestock shelter from flying debris and wind thrust.

The roofing system not only reduces wind resistance but also helps the rain water to be drained & collected in the reserve tank,

The structural system is R.C.C frame on hollow pilotis, these pilotis house ducts and pipes required to connect the shelter with power/water/drainage grid etc.

Ramps would provide easy access to the elderly, disabled and also livestock.

Solar panels can be fitted/or wind turbines locally made from low-cost materials can meet the

Need of power during emergency.

In terms of planning Class rooms/shelter rooms are arranged around a central service core

That hosts toilets, washes, water reservoirs, emergency stores and Utilities. During normal condition the class rooms, teacher’s rooms etc can access the service by using corridors & circulations, while during emergency


The form derives from the rotated squares widely used as an Islamic motif.

From this rotated square an outward tapered extruded mass creates the main volume while the corners of the other square are buffer spaces protected by

Pre-cast screens act in the same way as wind dampers in option-op-1.

Behind these screens are the openings to the class rooms/shelters making a cross ventilation during normal use.

This structure is also accessed by ramps and the floor height is same as +5’/+10’/+15’/+20 variable depending upon local conditions.

The form would be a sign of resilience & strength to the cyclone prone people; it would give a sense of security to the locality by means of its projecting mass.

Against the forces of nature it is a kind of defiance to natures forces a representation of human endurance while the geometrical regulations & compositions refer to Islamic motif.

The roof collects rain water for normal and emergency use and stores it in the central core.

The class rooms/shelters are arranged around a central core which houses the services and ducts while the pivoted main door when closed connects all the spaces together spaces like the teachers room can be used as feeding room etc.

The spread out roof would be helpful for relief dropping.

Some of the small livestock can be kept in the triangular terraces during cyclones while the larger Animals are to be on raised reclaimed land.